Solution Study
Donnerstag, 21. September
09:00 - 09:30
Live in Berlin
Weniger Details
Assessing risk in Open Source dependency use can make any security lead sweat. Projects which rarely update dependencies will be the slowest to react and remediate so-called “log4j incidents”, which is often referred to as “security debt”. Meanwhile, the risk of malicious code introduction or account takeovers in Open Source packages is not insignificant, so those who live on the cutting edge of the latest versions may also be at increased risk from another angle. This presentation will address the challenge from both angles and asks the following questions:
Justin Clareburt is the Squad Leader for Renovate at He has been building software solutions since last century, and most recently for Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. Justin is passionate about developer productivity and is renowned for his love of keyboard shortcuts. He is an avid supporter of open-source development and is responsible for many free popular productivity tools and keyboard shortcut packs.